www.adaptive-apparel.com — information and vendor for clothing for the disabled.
www.alz.org — Information about Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders.
www.angelman.org — Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc.
TheArc.org — For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
www.autism.org — Center for the Study of Autism.
www.autism-society.org — Autism Society of America.
www.biausa.org — Brain Injury Association.
www.caregiving.com — A service that will lead you to the information, services, products and providers that will assist you today and help you plan for tomorrow.
www.efa.org — The Epilepsy Foundation of America Web Site.
www.kidney.org — website for the national Kidney Foundation.
www.lookingglass.org — Through the Looking Glass (TLG) is a nationally recognized non-profit agency and first National Resource Center for Parents with Disabilities. They provide direct services, training, materials and research concerning families in which a child, parent or grandparent has a disability or medical issue.
www.mayohealth.org — Updated medical information everyday from Mayo Clinic.
www.naddc.org — National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils.
www.nami.org — National Alliance for the Mentally Ill.
www.nih.gov/health/ — National Institute of Health.
www.nod.org — National Organization on Disablity.
www.onarollradio.com — Disability Info.
www.psycom.net/depression.central.html — This site is the Internet’s central clearinghouse for information on all types of depressive disorders.
www.pwsausa.org — Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA).
www.qualitymall.org — The Quality Mall site provides information on best person-centered practices and innovations that promote quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities. It uses the concept of a shopping mall that allows virtual visitors to "shop" for best practice products and services to meet their needs.
www.rarediseases.org — National Organization for Rare Diseases offers information on several hundred rare diseases as well as links to other rare disease sites.
www.rxlist.com — Internet Drug List.
www.self-determination.com — Center for Self-Determination.
www.ssa.gov — Social Security-Office of Employment Support Programs.
How SSA Decides If You are Disabled.
SSA’s Medical Vocational Guidelines.
thomas.loc.gov — U.S. Congress - Legislation.
www.ucpa.org — United Cerebral Palsy.
www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/adahom1.htm — Americans with Disabilities Act.