We Offer Disability Claim Representation
We represent claimants in Social Security disability and Railroad Retirement disability cases.
As your authorized representative we are your advocate and we specialize in handling only Railroad Retirement disability and Social Security disability cases. As your disability advocate we help you put together the enormous and tedious amount of information required for you to get Railroad Retirement and/or Social Security Disability benefits and put together all the other information needed by the Railroad Retirement Board and/or Social Security Administration to rule on your claim. Disability Advocates also gives guidelines so claims can be more complete and specific, thus ensuring proper ruling on your claim.
Unassisted persons seeking disability benefits often will not give the Railroad Retirement Board or Social Security Administration enough detailed information.
As a disability advocate we help gather the relevant data. It is important that all information is gathered and submitted and that unimportant information is not submitted. Our firm will inform your physicians, psychiatrists, and psychologists as to what is needed and the language to use to conform to the Railroad Retirement and Social Security Regulations. Although your appearance and testimony may be required at the time of hearings, we also speak on the Claimant’s behalf and give the Social Security Administration the information it needs to make an award.
As a disability advocate we represent the Claimant through every appropriate stage of administrative review so that the Claimant can be sure his or her claim is fully considered.
Many times there are several stages and appeals necessary to obtain disability benefits. This can be done only if timely appeals are made at earlier stages. Many cases require an administrative hearing at which you will need assistance with testimony and cross-examination. Often, earlier unsuccessful applications can be reopened and more benefits obtained.
Not only are disabled persons entitled to disability benefits, but family members of the disabled person can also receive benefits. Many times children, widows, and widowers can recover benefits under Title II claims based upon the parent or spouse’s earning records. Children who are disabled can also receive benefits in Title XVI cases if the household in which the child lives has limited income and assets.
CONTACT US RIGHT NOW so we can get your claim started or begin actions to reopen an earlier claim to get you the benefits you deserve.